House League Team Staff (Stouffville-Markham Girls Hockey)

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House League Coaching Staff Overview
Without coaches and trainers who volunteer their time and step behind the bench every season, there would be no minor hockey in Markham/Stouffville. These volunteers are the heart of any minor hockey association. It is an OWHA requirement that each team have certified bench staff consisting of a head coach, assistant coach(es), and at least one HTCP certified trainer.

If you have any questions about volunteering as a member of our house league team staff, please email our VP of House League at [email protected]

Key Dates 

  • All course requirements complete: September 30, 2024

  • Vulnerable Sector Screening uploaded to Ramp: October 14, 2024

  • Submit receipts for reimbursement: December 31, 2024 (all requirements must be complete)

Apply to join our Coaching Staff 

  1. FIRST: Complete our online volunteer form to apply volunteer as a member of our House League team staff. Once you are approved by our VP of House League, follow the steps outlined below to complete any required courses and register in Ramp.


Complete course/VSS requirements and register as a team staff member

  1. Create an account on HCR 3.0 (Hockey Canada's course registration portal) to register for an required courses. You can use the course list below to navigate to the appropriate courses
  2. Register as a volunteer staff member in Ramp (the OWHA’s registration and team roster portal).
  3. Get a VSS (Vulnerable Sector Screening) and upload it to your Ramp accountWe require that all team staff complete a new VSS for our association every 3 years. We can accept a VSS for your employer or different organization.
    • Download a Volunteer Letter (SMGHA_Volunteer_Letter_Template). You will need to add your name and date to this document and include in your submission.
    • Submit online or Apply in-person.
    • Upload the VSS to your profile in Ramp AND type in the "Date completed." If you already have a Ramp account, navigate to My Account Members and 'Edit' your member info. Then just scroll down to 'VSS File.'
  4. Once all requirements are completed, send your receipts to our VP of House League for reimbursement: [email protected]. Note that we only reimburse for course fees and VSSs (not for travel, food, etc.).

OWHA House League Team Staff Requirements (view pdf all OWHA requirements)

  • All qualifications listed below are the minimum requirement. All members of our team staff must:
    • Be a minimum of 16 years of age.
    • Be at least 2 years older than the oldest player in all divisions.
    • Sign our SMGHA Coach Code of Conduct.
    • Complete the requirements listed in the table below for their role.


Head Coach

Assistant Coaches



All Team Staff

Respect in Sport - Activity Leader

All team staff Register through OWHA Respect in Sport portal

Police Vulnerable Sector Screening (VSS)
Required every 3 years. We can accept VSSs from your employer or another sports association.

 All team staff Submit online or apply in-person

Rowan's Law review and acknowledgement

All team staff  Completed during your registration in Ramp

HU - ONLINE Coach 1 / Coach 2

Yes Yes
Register via HCR 3.0 portal

Coach 1 - Intro to Coach

Yes Yes Register via HCR 3.0 portal

Trainer Certification Level 1 (women only)
Needs to be renewed every 3 years.

 Yes Register via Hockey Trainers Ontario portal

HU - ONLINE Coach 1 / Coach 2

Yes Register via HCR 3.0 portal

HU - ONLINE Checking

Register via HCR 3.0 portal

Coach 2 - Coach Level




Register via HCR 3.0 portal

Trainer Certification Level 1 (women only)
Needs to be renewed every 3 years.


Register via the Hockey Trainers Ontario portal